Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When we started (part 1)

Let’s start in the very beginning to get a good idea of where we are now.
Tony and I first met in college. It was my freshman year and it was his sophomore year. He had transferred to my university to be closer to home.
I was a shy girl and he was beach boy- cargo shorts, flip flops, open shirt with a white T, long hair… all of it. I was a sheltered girl and college my first time I went out on my own.
Tony was interested in me. I, on the other had, was oblivious. I just thought he was a polite and a very friendly guy. Who knew being friendly meant “I like you”. He had to be very straight forward before I got a hint.
We dated for 2 years… and broke up.
It wasn’t bitter, no screaming fights, scandals or anything crazy. We wanted different things, and it didn’t work out.
We didn’t speak much at first. We went our separate ways, dated other people, had other relationships and went about our lives. We stayed in contact now and then but it was two years later when we saw each other logged in on Messenger and we started talking.
It wasn’t “I’m Interested” talking, it was “hey friend” talking. When we were at work, we talked online… a lot. We always had a lot to talk about and laugh about. It was never dull.
I was always laughing aloud when we talked online and my co-workers used to bet that Tony and I would eventually get back together since we talked so often and got along so well. I thought they were crazy.
We did this routine for over a year. He was my best friend online.
Tony graduated college and was working full time. I graduated the year after and also started working full time. We were lucky to find good jobs straight out of college and they may vary well lead into our careers.
We were working adults, and my boyfriend at the time had broken up with me. It had been several months since the break up- and Tony was seeing a girl that had broken it off.
Tony had tickets to a baseball game that he was going to take his girl to but they called it quits before game day. We were talking that afternoon and he had mentioned that he had an extra ticket that he didn’t want to waist. I said I’d go with him since it had been along time since I had been to a baseball game.
This was the first time we’d seen each other in months.
And now The Kicker: His mother was at the game.

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