Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Part 2

We talked nearly the entire time and almost forgot about the game.
He mentioned that his parents were at the game also, but sitting at the other side of the stadium.  A few minutes later, his mother showed up at our seats!
She walked all the way from the other side of the stadium to see us. She gave a big hug and we talked for a few minutes before she headed back to her seat.
It was a surprise. It had been years since I've seen her and the last person I thought his mother would want to see was her son's ex-girlfriend. Tony said she came by because she still loves me and she had missed me.  It was very sweet and it pulled on my heart strings.
At that moment, I thought it might be nice to get back with Tony and try again. We were different people than we were 3 years before. I thought about his wonderful parents and his amazing family. Coming from a dysfunctional broken home- The Aligo family had always seemed like the perfect family I didn't have.
The thought only lasted a moment and we went out separate ways after the game. It had been so long and we had become such good friends, I didn't know if getting back together was such a good idea.
We later had other opportunities to hang out more and it took about 3 weeks before we started talking about possibly getting back together... but the main questions was, how serious did were going to be?
After talking, we decided to not let it be casual. If we were going to try again, it will be for the long haul. We were about 25 yrs old and were ready to start becoming serious about our relationships.
He was living with roommates and I was living alone. A few months later his lease ended and we decided to get an apartment together.
On our 2nd Christmas together, Tony proposed. A year and half later, we were married.

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