Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crackers for Dinner

Tony and I had dinner in front of the TV. I wasn't that hungry so I just had crackers with some garlic dip. Tony went to bed early and I joined in a little later after I had put up my food.

Getting into bed...

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: Hey sweetie (crawling into bed)
Tony: Hey, did you put up the crackers and dip?
Lulu: Yeah
Tony: Ok
Lulu: I made sure I dumped it all on the carpet first... and rub it around really good
Tony: Really... did you lick all the crackers before you do that
Lulu: Of course, I need to make sure it picks up all the lint, dirt, and hair it possibly can before I put it back in the box
Tony: ..... 
Lulu: I also smeared the dip all over the coffee table. 
Tony: Delicious

I love our bed time talks...

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