Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Bedtime…  You think of all sorts of things when you can’t sleep.

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: I need the car tomorrow, so we have to wake up extra early .
Tony: Ok (playing on his phone)
Lulu: Are you playing paintball this weekend?
Tony: Yeah and I’m taking the car this time. If you want to do stuff, you’ll have to call my mom or something
Lulu: I’ve seen dogs eat random paintballs on the ground. I’m assuming that it’s non-toxic
Tony: It’s non-toxic but it doesn’t mean they should eat it
Lulu: Do you think they poop out that color?
Tony: I dunno
Lulu: Maybe if they ate a bunch of different colors… they’d have rainbow poop
Tony: uhh…. sure
Lulu: and if they eat a shit loan, and crap a lot of rainbow poop
Tony: Then they’ll start shitting hearts, stars and rainbows
Lulu: Clovers and blue moons
Tony: Pot of gold and rainbows
Lulu: and red balloons….
Tony: then leprechauns
Lulu: an army of leprechauns
Tony: That dog has some issues.
Lulu: I dunno, he has his own army. He can probably take over a country or something
Tony: Dog dictator?      … I’m going to bed.
Lulu: Good night

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bundles of Joy

Tony and I talk about having children on and off. I change my mind a lot about having screaming, snotty little beasts and Tony is dead set on have cute, adorable kids.
We were both at work and happen to be talking online about various things, especially about kids.

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Tony: Karen at work said that her son put his foot in his mouth
Lulu: uuhh… sure. Ok.
Tony: She said he was trying to do that all week and he finally got it.
Lulu: That’s kind of cute
Tony: I’m really looking forward to kids
Lulu: Maybe, after we get a house.
Tony: Yeah
Lulu: Ok, I want kids
Tony: hehe
Lulu: No, never mind. I don’t
Tony: I think that was a record
Lulu: I’m scared… of a lot of things. I don’t think I’m psychologically or emotionally ready
Tony: I’m scared too but it’s ok
Lulu: No I think I’m might go ape shit
Lulu: Babies like tequila right?
Tony: Love it
Lulu: and Buttery Nipple shots are perfect
Tony: hehe
Lulu: Don’t let me kill my kids
Tony: I’ll stop you
Lulu: Post partum is where you want to eat your kids right?
Tony: hahahahaha

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Going to Dinner

I had visited Tony at his work one evening. The break room at his work has tasty tea, so I made myself a cup. Tony ended up getting done with work earlier than expected so I needed to put the tea in something I can travel with… an empty plastic water bottle.

We had dinner plans with his parents and decided to head straight there.

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: Are we stopping by the apartment or going straight there?
Tony: Going straight there
Lulu: Did they ever decide where they wanted to eat?
Tony: No, we’ll talk about it when we get there
   I was looking at water bottle half full of tea
Lulu: In the bottle, the tea looks like piss
Tony: *chuckles* It doesn’t help that it’s warm
Lulu: We should tell you mom we needed this for the doctor
Tony: Urine sample?
Lulu: Yeah, for a drug test or something
Tony: Right after you tell her that, you should drinking it
Lulu: I’ll sip it, swish it around and say “Yeah, I think I’ll pass”
Tony: uuhh… delicious
Lulu: Then add, “I don’t remember eating asparagus”

Tony cringes and makes barf sounds…

We ended up not tell her that, we gross her out enough with our regular conversations. She always laughs but then says ‘You two are sick’.  She loves us, I’m sure.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chicken Curry

I had gotten off work early, around 1pm, so Tony came by to take me out to lunch. We decided to go to Thai Cottage.

We had ordered our food and had started eating. I had the Chicken Curry Noodles (soupy), He had Chicken and Chili Paste (with rice)

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: Oh my God, this curry is baller.
Tony: Yeah, this is pretty good too
I splashed a little curry on my shirt and a little on the table
Lulu: Damn it (wiping my shirt)
Tony: Hey
Lulu: What
Tony: You got some over here too (he gestures at his phone sitting next to him. There's spots of curry on it)
Lulu: I didn't know it wen that far. Sorry
Tony: It's OK, I have screen cover.
Lulu: Oh OK, in that case, I'll make sure to put spoonfuls on it of you phone next time
Tony: Really...
Lulu: Yeah. I'll just drown it in this wonderful curry
Tony: ...
Lulu: No, I'll put in my bowl and spoon stuff all on top and have your phone just get burried under all this curry
Tony: And smash it up a little?
Lulu: No... Just smother it really good
Tony: What if the waitress comes to clear the table, she'll take my phone away with your curry
Lulu: No, I'll make sure I take it out first
Tony: That's nice of you...
Lulu: Yeah, that way you can make delicious calls later

The restaurant was small so I'm sure several tables heard our conversation. We laughed but I'm sure everyone else thought we were nuts. It was a nice lunch date.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crackers for Dinner

Tony and I had dinner in front of the TV. I wasn't that hungry so I just had crackers with some garlic dip. Tony went to bed early and I joined in a little later after I had put up my food.

Getting into bed...

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: Hey sweetie (crawling into bed)
Tony: Hey, did you put up the crackers and dip?
Lulu: Yeah
Tony: Ok
Lulu: I made sure I dumped it all on the carpet first... and rub it around really good
Tony: Really... did you lick all the crackers before you do that
Lulu: Of course, I need to make sure it picks up all the lint, dirt, and hair it possibly can before I put it back in the box
Tony: ..... 
Lulu: I also smeared the dip all over the coffee table. 
Tony: Delicious

I love our bed time talks...

Friday, May 20, 2011


We were on our way home, but we needed to stop by his bank's atm.

Being Serious*
Being Stupid*

Lulu: Why do we need to stop at the bank?
Tony: I need to give you money for the other day
(I had paid for a large purchase earlier in the week.)
Lulu: Does that make me a prostitute?
Tony: You give me money all the time
Lulu: Does that make you a prostitute?
Tony: We're married... so no.
--Tony gets money out from the drive through ATM, counts it...
Lulu: You should give me that after services are rendered.
Tony: Right before or After?
Lulu: Just start throwing it around during so I swim in dirty money immediately after.


Tony and I are a one car family. He drops me off at work in the morning and picks me up after- It's easy for us since we work about 5 to 10 min away from each other, and we live close to work.

Our drive home yesterday:

Let me put this out there first:
-Being Serious*
-Being Stupid*

We were in the car and tony reaches over to my face around my foreheard and eye... awkwardly feeling around picking at something on  my face

Lulu: What are you doing?
Tony: There's something on your face
Lulu: What is it?
Tony: *Mumbles*
Lulu: What?
Tony: *Mumbles*.. hair... face
Lulu: Whaaa?
Tony: There's some randome hairs on your face
Lulu: My hair is in your what, with all of your what?
Tony: Yes... all your hair in my what
Lulu: Does this bother you?
Tony: Terribly, ALL of your hair bothers ALL of my face...

It's a short ride from work to home... but we always manage to make each other laugh on the way.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Box of Door Knobs

Something I am bound to mention a lot in future posts... and when I do, you’ll understand where it's coming from...

One of our running jokes: The Box of Door Knobs

My husband has a tendency to knock things over, elbow me, kick me under the table, run into me... very random things. It's not anything serious, it's more funny than anything else. We're very clumsy with each other.

Some days it just gets ridiculous. We could be sitting at the couch and watch TV, he starts to put his arm around me and elbows me in the face.

He would get something to drink and as he sits back, elbows me in the boob... not very pleasant, and then kick me as he tries to put his legs up on the couch.

Jokingly I'd remark, "People will think you beat me, if you keep this up!"

He laughs, puts on a serious face and shakes his fist, 'If anyone asks, you tell them you fell down the stairs... into a box of doorknobs"

When do something stupid, run into things, play rough, or just joke around-  we would reference that box of doorknobs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Part 2

We talked nearly the entire time and almost forgot about the game.
He mentioned that his parents were at the game also, but sitting at the other side of the stadium.  A few minutes later, his mother showed up at our seats!
She walked all the way from the other side of the stadium to see us. She gave a big hug and we talked for a few minutes before she headed back to her seat.
It was a surprise. It had been years since I've seen her and the last person I thought his mother would want to see was her son's ex-girlfriend. Tony said she came by because she still loves me and she had missed me.  It was very sweet and it pulled on my heart strings.
At that moment, I thought it might be nice to get back with Tony and try again. We were different people than we were 3 years before. I thought about his wonderful parents and his amazing family. Coming from a dysfunctional broken home- The Aligo family had always seemed like the perfect family I didn't have.
The thought only lasted a moment and we went out separate ways after the game. It had been so long and we had become such good friends, I didn't know if getting back together was such a good idea.
We later had other opportunities to hang out more and it took about 3 weeks before we started talking about possibly getting back together... but the main questions was, how serious did were going to be?
After talking, we decided to not let it be casual. If we were going to try again, it will be for the long haul. We were about 25 yrs old and were ready to start becoming serious about our relationships.
He was living with roommates and I was living alone. A few months later his lease ended and we decided to get an apartment together.
On our 2nd Christmas together, Tony proposed. A year and half later, we were married.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When we started (part 1)

Let’s start in the very beginning to get a good idea of where we are now.
Tony and I first met in college. It was my freshman year and it was his sophomore year. He had transferred to my university to be closer to home.
I was a shy girl and he was beach boy- cargo shorts, flip flops, open shirt with a white T, long hair… all of it. I was a sheltered girl and college my first time I went out on my own.
Tony was interested in me. I, on the other had, was oblivious. I just thought he was a polite and a very friendly guy. Who knew being friendly meant “I like you”. He had to be very straight forward before I got a hint.
We dated for 2 years… and broke up.
It wasn’t bitter, no screaming fights, scandals or anything crazy. We wanted different things, and it didn’t work out.
We didn’t speak much at first. We went our separate ways, dated other people, had other relationships and went about our lives. We stayed in contact now and then but it was two years later when we saw each other logged in on Messenger and we started talking.
It wasn’t “I’m Interested” talking, it was “hey friend” talking. When we were at work, we talked online… a lot. We always had a lot to talk about and laugh about. It was never dull.
I was always laughing aloud when we talked online and my co-workers used to bet that Tony and I would eventually get back together since we talked so often and got along so well. I thought they were crazy.
We did this routine for over a year. He was my best friend online.
Tony graduated college and was working full time. I graduated the year after and also started working full time. We were lucky to find good jobs straight out of college and they may vary well lead into our careers.
We were working adults, and my boyfriend at the time had broken up with me. It had been several months since the break up- and Tony was seeing a girl that had broken it off.
Tony had tickets to a baseball game that he was going to take his girl to but they called it quits before game day. We were talking that afternoon and he had mentioned that he had an extra ticket that he didn’t want to waist. I said I’d go with him since it had been along time since I had been to a baseball game.
This was the first time we’d seen each other in months.
And now The Kicker: His mother was at the game.